[can you hear the bass right now!! ?? I know you can!!]
its been way to long, {i am sorry!!} and to much has gone on...
but I will expand upon ALL that has happened in the past weeks..
but yes...
I HAVE FOUND AN APARTMENT and I have moved out of my most AMAZING and INCREDIBLE home of ONE and a HALF years! ... me and my cat [Kid-e] packed up last Saturday and moved to a new apartment in Ridgewood Brooklyn {some say Queens, some say Brooklyn- I say WHAT EVER MAKES YOU HAPPY!}. I must admit that I am happy/sad [like the Pizzicato Five song] {lol} ... It is very cool to have my own place.. but I am SO USE to the living with the ever so Rock-tas-tic JANE!! and the ever so butter-y DOLLO, that it is strange and sad not to have them around each and every day. It will take some time to get used to, it really will... I WILL JUST HAVE TO VISIT LOTS and LOTS and LOTS!!!! I know that Kid-e is having some trouble adjusting, but she is finding things from the old apartment to sleep on and get into... But it is an exciting time... I am looking forward to hanging my art, and getting some very :el fano" inspired furniture! But one thing at a time.. right!? RIGHT!
and on another note...
A brief email from my favourite DJ PETER RAUHOFER....
After being a resident deejay at Roxy for almost 6 years I am sorry to inform you that I decided to leave for good. As much as I enjoyed playing for all of you, I can no longer accept the unfair treatment I received on a regular basis by promoter John Blair.
I've reached my limit with all his lies, shade, threats, disrespect and phoniness towards me AND my loyal fans. No deejay in the world at any level in their career should have to feel forced to accept Blair's unprofessional attitude and behavior. I am not the first Roxy deejay to experience this and I certainly won't be the last.
I will not compromise my artistic integrity anymore because of Blairs ego.
Now for the good news.
I am very excited to announce my new monthly SATURDAY NIGHT residency. The party will be called "WORK" and it will be held at Club SPIRIT (NYC's most legendary space formerly known as Twilo). My kick-off party will be on Saturday, March 12th and trust it will be a night to remember.
Further details will follow in the next days.
I want to thank each one of you who emailed me in the last couple of days to show me your love and support.
Thank You and see You all at "WORK" on March 12th.
Peter R.
well.. it looks like SPIRIT will be my new home! ;] cuz where PETER GOES ... I GO!!!
so I do have more to write.. but I wanted to at least get SOMETHING up! ;]
and as always..."If your pleasure if passion, then passion IS your pleasure!"
Breeding Season for My Geese
From mid-winter to early spring, it's mating season for my geese. I share
my farm with an interesting gaggle of geese - Sebastopol geese, Toulouse
3 hours ago
El Fano! So many changes for you this week!!! It is crazy. PS I love you.
I know Ms. JANE! so many changes! and now I have a nasty cold :[ grrrr I hate that story.. BUT I LOVE YOUR STORY!! and I LOVE YOU!!! thank you for everything! ;] and for always being an inspiration! ;] You really are my muse! hugs and love :el fano:
What the world needs now is EL FANO. Where are yooooooooooou :'( ;-) :-*
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