Saturday, December 12, 2009

Oh, whatever makes :el fano: happy on a Saturday [afternoon] {lol}

So I'm singing the [REAL] suede song in my head "Saturday Night" "Oh, whatever makes her happy on a Saturday night, Oh whatever makes her happy, whatever makes it alright." SO... I totally got a [shorty-short hair-do] and I'm loving it!! .. [kinda-miss the blonde] but i might just fix that later on tonight [when I get board] HA! [well more like taking a break from work] ! anyway.. a few pics for your enjoyment! YAY! giant hugs and much love to you all <3 muah! xo xo :el fano:


dzineguy said...

Son, you're lookin FINE! Especially with the blonde! Post some blonde!

:el fano: said...

awhhhhh THANK YOU Dzineguy! I just did! xo xo :el fano:

Anonymous said...

Thank you :) look at this emo boy hair over this blog: