Friday, December 18, 2009

LACOSTE luggage! =)

Not so bad for 430am eh?! Lol - its cold in NYC so I'm sporting like 3 hoodies!! [4-serious!]!!! =) but rocking the holiday red and Lacoste green! =) anyway - an infamous :el fano: bathroom shot! JFK terminal [loo] xo xo :el fano:


IRG said...

nice. love lacoste. Are you on your way to FL?

M said...

Lookin' fierce at 4:30 a.m. indeed -- good job.
And love your blog -- anyone who, a) knows who Bryan Ferry is, and b) features him on their blog is a man of taste.
Have a great weekend (and holiday season),

:el fano: said...

OMG! i am so far behind in comments!! [lol]

FABIO! you know I [always] travel LACOSTE style!! lol

and MICHAEL! - welcome to the world of EL FANO!!!!!!! I am so glad you've been enjoying the blog! and BRYAN FERRY is [and has ALWAYS] been one of my favourites! Love the ROXY MUSIC days [like a mo-fo!] lol! HOPE YOU HAD AN AMAZING HOLIDAY AS WELL! and Happy New year to you!! xo xo :el fano: