Monday, June 29, 2009

GALLIANO spring/summer 2010

To me ... it's like "300" + "the lion king" + "Pink Narcissus" = GALLIANO SPRING/SUMMER 2010 [show] {lol} ... i swear! ENJOY a few images from the show! xo xo :el fano:


dollie said...

OMG El Fano, Is that the same model or are they all sporting 12 packs? Unbelievable! That is also a seriously golden tan! You gotta get a little gold dust to higlight your deep dark tones! Love you and miss you. xo Butter McAbdomen

:el fano: said...

HA HA HA!! oh ButtterMcAdbomen! you crack[ed] me up with that one! 4-serious.. its like a GALLIANO 12pack is a requirement for all run-way models! I think he is taking spray-tanning-golden applique to new heights! LOOK OUT L.L.! Galliano[s] one upping you on the "golden-tan" look! hee xo xo :el fano: