Wednesday, June 03, 2009

its totally automatic..

Ultra Nate [doing her version of The Pointer Sisters classic "AUTOMATIC"]

Nothing more that having this pseudo-naughty you-tube clip running on your screen to make your boss[es] just leave you alone to do your work! Honestly it worked today [and I needed just that to happen] sometimes i just can't get ANYTHING done cuz [you know] they LOVE to HOVER! [ha] anyway... ENJOY IT - for it truly is [un-suit-table] for work! ha! [but today I just don't care] xo xo :el fano:


j said...

Whoa! Love it.

:el fano: said...

=) heee I KNOW! {i soooo love it!} =) can't you just see Michael coming over to my desk.. and then just slowly walking away! [HA!] xoxo miss you!!! and love you tons!!!! xo xo :el fano: