Beyonce ft. Lady Gaga - Video Phone (remix) (Official Video)
Ok.. I am [all] for video phone! {and I always enjoy ladies+heels+guns!} lol.. i must say [however] that Beyonce[s] white bikini/style outfit [reminded] me very much of GRACE JONES "Keith Harring" [painted] "outfit " from VAMP ... [just sayin] {lol} Always have some GRACE [in your] FACE! [lol] .. so enjoy the B+ga-ga video... [i guess its supposed to be funny that Beyonce has "videophone" and GaGa has "telephone"] {i think i might actually like telephone better! [just say'n] but THIS IS A FUN VIDEO!! [ is it Hype Williams? ] [it kind-a-feels that way] anwway.. [i ramble] SORRY! ENJOY!!!!!!!!!! xo xo :el fano:
=) me tooooo!!! =) [all those outfits] FUNFUN! plus... I kinda like the fact that LadyGG is not trying to outshine or out-do Beyonce.. [you know] like its Beyonce[s] track... {FT} LadyGG! ... so, well balanced if I do say so myself! xo xo :el fano:
I truly believe that we have reached the point where technology has become one with our society, and I think it is safe to say that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Societal concerns aside... I just hope that as the price of memory falls, the possibility of copying our brains onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could see in my lifetime.
(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4 SDHC[/url] DS FPost)
Well, If you have ever considered writing some script to automate those things that you do many times every day, then you have a great and easy way to automate the entir e process. It comes without saying that a few imacros and firefox add-ons can automate all actions related to a browser (Mozilla). If you want to automate your system as such, then you'll need some other script, easy commands will automate your system. Even a beginner can automate things using a simple software called as sikuli all you need to do is to tell Sikuli what to do by giving some screenshots and simple commands. A GUI can be used with Sikuli. Sikuli is an open siurce scripting application that will use a mix of straightforward commands like click, type, wait and so on. There's no internal API support, it just searches the screen for the image in the screenshot-that implies that you'll use it for anything. There's literally no limit on how you utilize it to automate things. This is too good to be true, however if you watch the subsequent video, you'll come to know that this can be extremely easy. If you visit their home page, you get a lot of tutorials and support; it will be a cake walk even for beginners. You'll be able to check the video as well as get the software at [url=][/url]
Earning online isn't a tough task, at the same time it is not easy as well. There are many strategies to earn money online, you'll create different business structures. You'll take affiliate selling, where you'll select a product, software or a service and persuade you to buy and in come back you may get a commission out for selling. The nice advantage of affiliate promoting is, you don’t want to talk to individuals and sell the products, everything can be done online, at the same time, you need some skills, to do it. You wish to make channels for promoting like websites, newsletters, landing page creation and PPC advertisements.
You'll be able to additionally produce a VRE, (Virtual Real Estate) where in you produce websites, develop and monetize it using varied means like CPM or CPC ads, making and selling your own product. You can develop niche sites and setup ecommerce stores.
There are more methods in addition, but for beginners, and people who are new to online business the most effective approach to create an even revenue stream is through actions like filling up surveys, get paid to try to to easy actions like signing up with new sites and getting paid to browse emails. The extent 2 for beginners is mystery looking and connected income streams. You'll be able to get all the free resources to create a career at [url=]Earn-Online-Money.Com[/url]
Survival group against God?? LOL. Good luck with that. Truth is, no one knows the exact time this will happen except the man upstairs, however, I firmly believe that there are people placed here by God that post the warning signs and it's up to you to take heed. [url= ]Light Beings [/url] - some truth about 2012
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Love this video!!!! XoXO
=) me tooooo!!! =) [all those outfits] FUNFUN! plus... I kinda like the fact that LadyGG is not trying to outshine or out-do Beyonce.. [you know] like its Beyonce[s] track... {FT} LadyGG! ... so, well balanced if I do say so myself! xo xo :el fano:
How do you think credit crunch affected porn?
crazy idea i know but how do u think credit cruch affected porn?
I truly believe that we have reached the point where technology has become one with our society, and I think it is safe to say that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Societal concerns aside... I just hope that as the price of memory falls, the possibility of copying our brains onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could see in my lifetime.
(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4 SDHC[/url] DS FPost)
Well, If you have ever considered writing some script to automate those things that you do many times every day, then you have a great and easy way to automate the entir e process. It comes without saying that a few imacros and firefox add-ons can automate all actions related to a browser (Mozilla). If you want to automate your system as such, then you'll need some other script, easy commands will automate your system. Even a beginner can automate things using a simple software called as sikuli all you need to do is to tell Sikuli what to do by giving some screenshots and simple commands.
A GUI can be used with Sikuli. Sikuli is an open siurce scripting application that will use a mix of straightforward commands like click, type, wait and so on. There's no internal API support, it just searches the screen for the image in the screenshot-that implies that you'll use it for anything. There's literally no limit on how you utilize it to automate things.
This is too good to be true, however if you watch the subsequent video, you'll come to know that this can be extremely easy. If you visit their home page, you get a lot of tutorials and support; it will be a cake walk even for beginners. You'll be able to check the video as well as get the software at [url=][/url]
Earning online isn't a tough task, at the same time it is not easy as well. There are many strategies to earn money online, you'll create different business structures. You'll take affiliate selling, where you'll select a product, software or a service and persuade you to buy and in come back you may get a commission out for selling. The nice advantage of affiliate promoting is, you don’t want to talk to individuals and sell the products, everything can be done online, at the same time, you need some skills, to do it. You wish to make channels for promoting like websites, newsletters, landing page creation and PPC advertisements.
You'll be able to additionally produce a VRE, (Virtual Real Estate) where in you produce websites, develop and monetize it using varied means like CPM or CPC ads, making and selling your own product. You can develop niche sites and setup ecommerce stores.
There are more methods in addition, but for beginners, and people who are new to online business the most effective approach to create an even revenue stream is through actions like filling up surveys, get paid to try to to easy actions like signing up with new sites and getting paid to browse emails. The extent 2 for beginners is mystery looking and connected income streams. You'll be able to get all the free resources to create a career at [url=]Earn-Online-Money.Com[/url]
Survival group against God?? LOL. Good luck with that. Truth is, no one knows the exact time this will happen except the man upstairs, however, I firmly believe that there are people placed here by God that post the warning signs and it's up to you to take heed.
]Light Beings
[/url] - some truth about 2012
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