...But the music shall last!!!!! I hope its gonna be allright. - cuz the music plays for ever - it goes on and on and on and on (cuz the music plays forever) =) xo xo :el fano:
ps: my "blurry" snear/snickers makes me laugh. [trying 2 b all tough :el fano: eh?!] Lol {I hope all my peeps had (and are perhaps still having) an amazing and incredible weekend} xo xo :el fano:
Remains of the Day (03/10)
*Page Six*: Someone's got a type
*Daughter Dearest*: Christina Crawford on how much of the film "Mommie
Dearest" was true
*NBC News*: Buffalo, N.Y., co...
1 hour ago
I like all of your artsy shots. I think your BlackBerry can sense your vibrant personality. ;)
HA!! this one [was ALL ME] lol .. trying to walk and snap my pic at the same time! [so my BB is off the hook on this one] lol glad you enjoy the "artsy" shots! xo xo :el fano:
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