Saturday, November 07, 2009

honestly my BLACKBERRY thinks he{s} an ARTIST!

4-serous... I don't know what is going on with my technical devises that I own.. I mean TENGU has a mind of his own [+] NOW my BlackBerry is producing these weird images!?!!? I mean.. NO PHOTOSHOP kids.. its my BB having a mind of its/his OWN! .. and I gotta say.. I LOVE IT!!!!! I think I am going for my 80's bleach/wash out effeckt! =) LOVE[s] IT!!! ENJOY!! xo xo :el fano:


dollie said...

I love it El Fano! you're highlights are so highlighted!

can't wait to see you in full color tomorrow.

xoxo butter

:el fano: said...

HA!! right!?!!!!! [not really] but in THIS ONE .. damn I am snow-white-high-LITE!!!!!!!!!!!! {lol}!!! =) I can't wait to see you tomorrow either!!!!!!! love love love you! xo xo :el fano: