Tuesday, February 24, 2009

dollie and jane

OM[f]G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - I got to hear Mike Viola sing the { REMIX } [version] of Dollie and Jane last night at "The LivingRoom" [while sitting with Dollie and Jane] !!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhh It sent goose-bumbs all over my body!... {I really did want to take off my top and dance on the tables!} It is such an amazing [song/jam/dance/tune]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - awhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh A M A Z I N G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-) so, fo your listening enjoyment, i posted 3 versions for you, of my BFF's [my girls] and their song!!!!!!!!! :) LOVE YOU LADIES!! xo xo [and thank you Mike Viola] xo xo :el fano:

[original] {acoustic} ;-)

[Tokyo, Japan]

[ San Francisco, CA]


j said...

Ahahahahhahahah! LOVE IT!

:el fano: said...

dollie and jane go to Tokyo is so great! AHHHH! i love this THE MOST! [i am soooooooo] CRAZY excited that I got to be there in that moment of time, to hear, and see, and witness the amazing amazement ... that is "DOLLIE AND JANE" xo xo!! I LOVE IT THE MOST!! xo xo :el fano: