IF ONLY ... my UNDERGARMENT 2009 AWARDS dinner was like the above ... well, I'd want that awards ceremony EACH and EVERY DAY!
Jockey was honored, and lots of goodies and give-a-way[s] for me and my BFF!! [ did you even know they had SPANKS for your FEET!?] its just I N S A N I T Y !!!!
Daffy's was a blast this AM .. but, really - did there have to be so much GHETTO-SLOVIC lady action!? I mean, girls, girls, girls, that look ... well... it just isn't happening... {but who am I to judge} and I shouldn't .. I was just a little in shock...that's all! :) ... so 3 minutes of fashion questions on a mini-stool with logo-fied back-drop - and I gave answers.. well, only :el fano: could dream up... "why, yes... I ALWAYS shopped on 14th street - but now I ONLY BUY at DAFFY's" and thew in a few words like "slacks" and "accessories" :) you know.. just for fun!
Anyway... a very happy day to all! xo xo [and stay tuned for more DAFFY's MODEL updates!] xo xo : el fano :
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