well.. with HEATHERETTE [no more] ... it was all about RICHIE RICH [the come back "glitter" kid] I missed out on last nights show [damn work] {grrrrrr} but, it seems like FUNFUN was had by ALL [guests and run-way divas alike] !! So, its totally [transparent] i mean APPARENT that I need to get me some of those "second-skin" boxer briefs with money prints and {with} [of course] "coins" [strategic{ly}] placed .. [or were they] HA! over the "goods". My insiders that attended said the Pam Anderson finale ... was.. [well] [perhaps] just NOT the right choice [but who can say] hey, if she wants to do a g-string panty-pant golden swimsuit.. then all the power to her!
So, ProjectRunway was a blast this morning [a short one] Only 3 designer[s] showed [so NO DECOYS]... but also no introduction of designers [so the press couldn't / wouldn't really know {who[s] was who[s]}! Worked for me! :) [but #3 was my favourite!] ... ok ok .. the work demons are hounding me so I must sign-off! ... much love to my BFF JANE!! [oh how i missed her so yesterday!] xo xo :el fano:
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