God I love that SMITHS song! :)
So I'm on a little press break and figured, lets "Blog it up" {ha} - on this mornings train ride I tried to recapture that moment when u wake(ing)[ly] {snooze}! The moment when u are in total focus - then your a asleep in a half-moment/second later (only 2 b re-awakened) by the jilt of your bod or a loud snore (or) even a {lil' poke} from a friend! (Lol)... Anyway - I was trying to {or was I???}(Hee) show-case that moment (in a dream-like-black-berry sepia overtone)!!!! Nothing like being an artistic-genius on the LIRR! Ha Ha Ha:) so - basicly - ummm more pictures of meeeeee!!! Xo xo el fano! - ps: I miss my bff jane today!!! :(
Lady Gaga’s Fiancé Proposed With a Blade of Grass
The singer spilled the details of her engagement at a fans-only press
10 hours ago
Lovely and amazing.
So can I get a Friday night pity date, or is the invitation revoked?
OM[f]G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) I am soooooooooo YOUR[s] on FRIDAY NIGHT!! {i will never REVOKE and invite with you!!!!!} ;) ;) :0) ... i am thinking [now] of a hot/new{ish} mexican in the flat-iron-district for drinks and fun fun! {RATED ONE OF DA BEST GUAC'S in DA CITY!!} lol [and you know how much we love our guac!!!!! [details to follow tomorrow!] LOVE U!! MISSED YOU TODAY!! xoxxo :El fano:
I am also free tomorrow if that is better for you. We could drink too much and fall in the snow!
Om(f)g part 2!! Those bitcha$$-bitches @ 575 are keeping me hostage tmrow :( - it makes me sad! :( - I try to scare them with stories of snow - but make-uo must prevail!! Uuugghhh I am bummemmed :( - I am at least heading home now (2late) I know - but I did najor a$$-kicking today!! We will be drunk and full of delicious mexican on friday for sure!!! And ON TIME!! I love u!!!! Ps: there really is none better than u!!!! U r the greatest ever!!! Hugs and so much love! Xo xo :el fano;
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