Saturday, October 03, 2009

Charlotte Gainsbourg + Willem Dafoe = ANTICHRIST

Honestly ... this movie poster [says] it all with out even saying a word.

from thankUelfano[s] twitter last night... "OMfG! The lady sitting next 2me @ Antichrist just whispered 2 me "U [smell] like a sexual fantasy waiting 2happen" ACK! I need 2switch seats about 19 hours ago from TwitterBerry " and {THAT} is how I started my evening!

There was "SHE" there was "HE" there was "EDEN" .. and then of course we have death, we have horror, there was trauma, there was sex, there were intense mutilations [beyond anything I'd ever seen before], there was depression, amidst depression, and there was [well] so much "over-the-top[ness]" that I just had to laugh! [perhaps at really awkward moments] throughout the film.. {lol} [however one NOT so funny moment.. was that an audience memeber actually had a stroke [or something of the sort] they had to stop the film and then restart as ambulance[s] came and took the man away.] {of course there was speculation that the film caused such a reaction} but no one can be really sure] ... Charlotte Gainsbourg[s] performance was flawless [no wonder why she won best actress at Cannes!] Willem Dafoe[s] "piece" was on [proud display] lol - but {i was told later, that it was actually a PORN[star]DOUBLE for those shots} [impressive none-the-least] ... but with all [those] things aside, ANTICHRIST [to me] ... took the [idea] of what a "horror-flick' is [supposed] to be .. and pushed it level[s], its boundaries, and made it into something [new]{ish} and of course VERY VERY VERY vonTRIER. Always eliciting a reaction, [wether is be good or bad, happy or sad] he pushes your level[s] of emotions to the brink. The room was divided last night. HATERS and LOVER[s] .. some called him "A GOD" other called him "SATAN HIMSELF" ... people behind me left, the man sitting a few chairs down "spit" at the screen and left,.. it was causing reactions left and right, just like all the vonTrier films before that.. I mean remember DOGVILLE and DANCER IN THE DARK, and THE IDIOTS! .. i mean, each of them causing violent reactions of love and hate. [ps: I still can't believe I sat through ALL OF DOGVILLE!] HA! that one I really did almost walk out of! [lol] ... so, with ALL of these things being said, I did enjoy it [but hated the fact that I loved it] ... I enjoy the horror genre very much, and I do love a good "audience participation" [lol] .. but, thought the intense violence and insanity, there was a beauty to the film, that captured the essence of a breakdown...of a depression...and [for that] I give 5 stars to Charlotte Gainsbourg for capturing the essence of vonTrier[s] vision! =} xo xo :el fano:

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