Thursday, October 01, 2009

My private PRADA consultation is here...

Ooohhhh I just got hand delivered an amazing mini (box) invitation!!! =) HA! From Prada w/ my "private" consultation [+] tailoring appointment!!! =) YAY! can we say exxxcited!?! Ha!! =) love[s] it!! xo xo :el fano:

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IRG said...


:el fano: said...

awwwwhhh Fabio! =) you are 2 cute! [lol] ... it was a very nice birthday gift from one of my clients. I had no idea till I opened the box! [i was like a messenger from Prada?! what can this beeee?] lol! =) i can't wait! I've always wanted a Prada suit! =) pictures from EVERY ANGLE will be done [and shown] lol!! giant hugs xo xo :el fano: