Monday, October 26, 2009

trying [2] figure out the new [formatting] issues of blogger

I'm trying here... but my web-formatting skills are [less] to be DESIRED! I have to figure it/them ALL out!.. but for now, hopefully you will all bear with me as I experience these [new] blog-growing pains! [why can't this just be like QUARK or IN-DESIGN!?! [lol] then this would be a DREAM! =) giant hugs to you all! xo xo :el fano:


Anonymous said...

At least it's not Wordpress. Oy that thing is confusing.

:el fano: said...

omg! my bff was having [word-press] issues as well.. and is now on tumbler... =) ... I just have to get use to the "FANCY"[ness] of BLOGGER now! [HA!] ... cuz now.. if I "cut + paste" it picks up ALL of the coding from other sources!! .. so I will get the nack of it soon enough! xo xo :el fano: