so I just had to [sneak] in2 the bathroom at school today at 9.09 [you know] just cuz its 09.09.09 ... so, I took 2 pictures in the 60 second time slot [and] low-[+]-behold ... CRAZY[ness] INSUED!!! [no photoshop here kids] MY BLACKBERRY had a freak-out with the flash [+] it turned magenta again [+] reset on its own, and when it all came back on and what not ... this CRAZY GREEN image appeared, and I LOVED IT! =] so, just had to share!! ... I am loving my newly cropped hair!! [+] I am so loving my class!! MORE LATER ON THAT! =] {its crazy @ work} [+] I am doing this under the table in the conference room on the BB! .. [no bad eh?] anyway.. love to all! xo xo :el fano:
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love it.! ;]
the pic and the hair, an d u should be focusing on doing work rather than blog, at least that is wat i learned in my time managment lecture yesterday! ;]
awhhh thanks matt! =] i glad you [love it!] =} THANK YOU! .. I know... my meeting was OUT of CONTROL boring, [+] so I just slipped the black-berry under the table, and BOOM [instant blog] HA! xo xo god time management [that should be tough to ALL my BOSSES!!] xo xo :el fano:
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