"Security..Security... we need a lockdown on the "STAR LOUNGE" possible Lohan alert, Lohan alert" [totally over-heard at the Charlotte Ronson show!] HA! oh my goodness {those security walk[y]-talk[ies] are LOUD!
anyway... hipster, hipster, hipster, hipster [wait did i say it enough] "of the MOMENT" hipster fashion designer well.. did not dissapoint her following! Lots of "pant[less"] lots of sheer - leather skirts HEADBANDS!! [how about shredded biker shorts]. [i am a fan of the "CR" logo =] that[s] for sure!
Nicki Hilton was there, the [ENTIRE] Ronson clan! [mark, smantha [who dj[ed] the show], {+} one sister even walked the run way [who's name escapes me at the moment] Tinsley Mortimer with Mr Joee Zee [creative director from Elle] ... anyway, lots of leather shorts! thats what I am going to say! LOTS OF LEATHER SHORTS! ha! xo xo :el fano:
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