"Sing me to sleep
Sing me to sleep
Im tired and i
I want to go to bed..."
OM[f]G! I don't even REMEMBER taking this photo last night, I was sooo exhausted from my trip/plane/subway ride, that I crashed out on my bed after my shower.. A [little] DISCO-NAP I thought... well, 1AM rolls along, and I am wide-awake!!! [and couldn't go back to sleep] :[ ugh! anyway... YES I did [finally] cut my hair! It was getting [shall we say] WAY WAY WAY to long! ha! .. you know I was loving my [bang] effeck - but it was time! so, a short short messy crop fully re-dyed [some] HIGH-lights, and LOW-lights, to boot! I'll take some more pics later 4 sure! FASHION WEEK IS JUST DAYS AWAY!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhh! must must MUST look my best!!!! =] [sooooooo excited!] YAY! xo xo :el fano:
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