Sooooo fellow fashion folk[s]!!... with my blackberry [dying] on me last night aside :[ [to much business on the phone yesterday, and not enough funun!]... thus—when fashion's night out fun-fun rolled its carpet in front of me... i had no BB action what-so-ever! :[ {sigh}.. anyway, the 575 crew [+] I made our round[s] last night to various fashion event[s] being throw in and around the city.. [a team for uptown / midtown / downtown [+] of course the ever-so-hopping-all-night fashion-bonanza-party that was known as SOHO last night!] HA!..
As the evening unfolded I knew that there was going to be "magic" luck for me [why do you ask?] Well... as I was coming out of my office [and walking right in front of Lord & Taylor's] right before my eyes ... was none other than ANNA herself! =] rock[n] her signature im-peck-a-ble look!! INSIDE a mad-house frenzy of ladies and moms and their daughters ... [rushing for fashion?] NO!! FOR FREE CHAMPS and hors d'oeuvres!! [HA!] [well..not really] - there were celebes, and models, and fashionistas to boot!

BERGDORF[S] was a nightmare, and SECURITY had to stop people from getting in!!!! The Olsen Twins were mix-ing up a alcoholic storm, as Christian Siriano worked his "fierce[ness]" around!! André Leon Talley played fashion CHESS with Donna Karen! and somewhere in the house was POSHE SPICE!!! screaming girls VICTORIA! VICTORIA!!! WE LOVE YOU VICTORIA!!!!! [she had some insane girl {and lady} followers]!!! HA! ps: the LINE at GUCCI was INSANE!! it was like they were letting people in 2 at a time... [oh and seems as if there was a "typo" on the press-release.. [not my fault] {lol} there was NOTHING FREE! [ha] it was a w/purchase only! [oh well] there were delish gucci-coco-expresso-bean delights for customers to nosh on while they previewed some high-fashion glamour! [btw.. totally fell in love with a black bag, that i need and want in my life] VERY VERY ALEXANDER McQUEEN!! [lol]
We then made it down to KIEHL[s] to watch American Idol[s] CONSTANTINE take on some Karaoke!! [+] somehow half of the BIG APPLE CIRCUS squeezed into the Kiehl's flagship store! HA HA! ... but, the best best best part of my NIGHT.. was at the RUGBY store on University in the West Village! I had totally missed Kanye West spinning some records the hour before.. but, [made it just in time for the big RAFFLE drawing] done by none other than gossip girl herself .. BLAKE LIVELY ahhhhhhh [god I love her] and i swear she is as tall as I am!! HA! so...low[+]behold .. I WON!!!!!!! A beautiful cashmiere zip-up hoodie/sweater! OMG! [love{s]] it! and it came in a GIANT BOX! [you should have seen me in the subway at 1am with that one] OMG! HA!! But.. I got to totall give her a HUGE "smooch" =] and got to ooooze my excitement of gossip-girl [+] her.. INFRONT of her! gush gush gush.. :] but, it was great times there, the DJ was spinning some kick-a$$ tune[s], it was fun. I thanked the ladies of 575 profusely for including me on their adventures! But we had promoting to do ourselves, and our own guerilla marketing* style to add to the fashion evening! =] *[if you drink enough champaign you can market ANYTHING!] ha ha ha! but all in all it was amazing[ly] fun fashion times!! I have more shows to report on, and more blogging to do about events and what not.. [just have A LOT to do] in between ... you know.. like WORK! [ha!] =] happy fashion week day 2 to everyone! GIANT HUGS and MUCH LOVE xo xo :el fano:
i dont kno, wether to be jealus or extremly happy for u! but i guess i.ll b happy cause u gotta meet the one and only blake lively, i would do anything to meet her. no joke, so happy for u, but kinda jealus. ;]
glad u had fun.
awhhhhh thank you MATT! :] [how about hap-a-lus] we can create a new word for happy jealous!! [ha] ... it was a dream {+} a delight! She[s] my fav as well! LOVE ME SOME "S"sssss {right "B"} lol! ps: she smelled delicious as well!! ha ha ha!!! [i wanted to ask her what perfume she was wearing] IT was a DELIGHT! [as was she!] :=) good times! good times!! xo xo :el fano:
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