"I LOVE RAG & BONE" shouted Becki Newton [looking ever so sexy-cute in the audience] {i was in love with her black ring!} =}
The ever so sexy Stuart Townsend was [of course] with the ever so stunning Charlize Theron! god beautful beauty!! dressed in black [+] just looking fab! and of course ANNA in a [SIN]sational maroon on-som[b] that was brilliant!!
So.. it was a another FAVE design duo team preview... the Rag & Bone Spring 2010 collection! R&B = skinny jeans and runway leggings all to the beat of a Thom Yorke mix! [and MORE pant[s]less looks] jackets jackets and more jackets! [ there were short-shorts and that worked with on olive and gray colour pallet] I totally fell in love with this silky jumpsuit !! [i know, me love[ing] a jumpsuit] HA!.. but honestly ... my attention was ALL over that NAIL POLISH! omg! it was like citron yellow [bordering on like a neon-green-ish] But it was amazing! :] I know i know FOCUS ON THE CLOTHES :El fano"! {ha} .. but, i was soooo loving the tailcoats big time.. and well.. the tailoring was SIN[sational] by Wainwright and Neville and just soooo SPOT ON!! =] {i always seem to enjoy the R&B show!} xo xo :el fano:
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