I know I know I KNOW... I have sooooo much to post!! but 2day has [+] is [+] will continue 2b insane!! :[ I promise I will try and post more this evening [w/class] {+} [w/more fashion week] just crazyness! So... i will leave you with a tid-bit of new project I am working on [so] exciting [so] much fun... [+] i get to do what [I] want! {HA!} lol ... thank you to everyone!! much love to you all! xo xo :el fano:
Glad things are on the up and up! Congrats!
thank you John [+] Steve!!!! =] I always enjoy a project when I get [COMPLETE] creative control! as long as they give me the final budget cost = then I'll create within it [and happy{ness} will ensue!] lol big hugs to you both.. and CONGRATS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! such an exciting time for you!!! giant hugs xo xo :el fano:
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