Marc Jacobs Rumored to Appear in the Gay Version of Real Housewives
Thank you NY Mag[s] THE CUT for the {gossip} and the pic!
Almost two years ago, Marc Jacobs told us he wanted his own reality show. Something about "all aspects of my life. All the drama, the intrigue, the sex, the romance, the work. I’m a shameless human being.” Today, the Daily News reports Jacobs is rumored to have signed on to participate in a reality show that gay network Logo reportedly has in the works and is like a gay version of The Real Housewives, created by the team who makes Real Housewives. Gawker recently reported that the show is called Kept. An open casting call will take place in New York in a few weeks, according to the News, to find other "high-powered (openly gay) playboys" to star. Jacobs had told us he worried about a TV crew making his office "crazy," and certainly doesn't need extra publicity. The fashion press fawns over him plenty as it is. But still, if this happens — and it is a mighty big if — Bravo might not be the best television network ever in the world anymore.
=) hmmmmm this could be AMAZING or a [dish-ash-tray] WE SHALL SEE!! xo xo :el fano:
I know!!! Marc doesn't need any publicity, but I would totally tune in to see if he were on the show. Although I would hate to see marc associated with shady queens who don't deserve his presence. I'll still tune in when it starts I'm sure I'll laugh histerically till I cry.
AHH!! I am with you "I'll still tune in when it starts I'm sure I'll laugh histerically till I cry." It will make for some FUNFUN TV!! [thats for sure!] giant hugs to you Fabio! xo xo :el fano:
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