mercedes-Benz Fashion Week
It[s] just 10 days away friends!!]!!! =] [+] all of this crazy hard work i've been doing for the last few weeks [&] WEEKEND{s} should [better] WILL pay-off!!! =] I'm excited for my schedule of show[s] however there are conflicts of what[s] being show at the tents and what is being shown at MILK STUDIOS [but] I'll work everything out on TOP of squeeeeezing {real} work work inbetween!! HA! but hopefully I will have lots of fun items to report or [dish-ash-trays] {lol} I'm not doing as many/much as last year, but hey ... I will take anything at any moment! =] Let the FASHION WEEK COUNTDOWN BEGIN! xo xo :el fano:
I am looking forward to your review! Sounds fun. Be sure to bring back lots of stories.
Hey Michael! I promise I wont disappoint!! =] xo xo :el fano:
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